Forgetting Paige: (The Paige Diaries #3) Read online

Page 16

  I pull up across the street from Dario's Auto Repair and turn the engine off, watching the building.

  What am I doing here?

  I keep trying to talk myself out of this, but after last week and the night we shared, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. And I want to know if Maverick has said anything to him, and I can only come here while Mav is at football.

  I climb out and lock the car and look both ways before jogging across the street and over to where the heavy music is blasting out from inside the garage. I wander inside and stop when I see Mitchel sitting in a deckchair with a cigarette between his fingers. Not cigarette smoke, it smells strange – strong and skunky. Weed, I guess.

  "Well, well, well, if it isn't our baby momma. How is the little nipper?" Mitchel asks, lifting a beer bottle to his lips.

  He’s drunk.

  "You're looking a little chunky today. Maybe you're having twins." He laughs to himself.

  What? I fidget and pull at my knitted sweater.



  He's such a shithead.

  I look around and see if anyone heard him and see a few people I don't recognize working on the vehicles, and then I spot Dario heading my way. He discards the tool in his hand and shoots Mitchel a sharp glare.

  "What's wrong with you? You look like an angry momma bear," Mitchel teases. "Maybe papa bear needs to give you some to help you relax." Mitchel continues.

  And now I want to smother him with my tote bag to shut him up.

  "Mitch, quit it!" Dario warns and smacks Mitchel on the back of the head.

  "Ouch." Mitchel winces and rubs his head.

  Dario nods his head at me to follow him. I edge around Mitchel and hurry after Dario and into the office. Dario quickly closes the door and pulls down the blind to stop any wandering eyes.

  "Is he for real? Has he been blabbing to everyone that I'm pregnant?" I say in a panic, not wanting my sister to find out in case it gets back to my mom or dad somehow, not that she speaks to either of them, but still.

  "No, he's messing with you. Ignore him, he's just high." Dario waves it off.

  "It's the middle of the day and he's drinking and getting high. What's he even doing here?" I shake my head in disgust, not liking the idea that my sister is back with that junkie.

  "It was my idea to give him the beer."

  "Why would you encourage him? You know what he’s like."

  "Because he was talking some really weird shit this morning and I need to keep an eye on him, and it's just easier if he's drunk ‘cause at least he can't drive anywhere."

  Dario goes over to the sink at the back and washes his hands. He's wearing his work overalls and he's covered in grease.

  "What stuff was he talking about? Is everything all right?"

  "Yes, everything is fine. Just Mitchel being paranoid again. It's nothing." Dario brushes it off.


  "P, it's nothing. Really. Nothing for you to worry about."

  I let out a breath and look around and see his unmade pull-out bed. We shouldn’t be allowed this close to a bed. Why'd he have to bring me in here? Why not take me into the kitchen area around the back?

  I spot a magazine sticking out from under the covers and reach down, lifting it out. It's one of those titty magazines, but what did I expect. He is a guy, after all.

  He's suddenly next to me, lifting it out of my hand.

  "I'll take that," He opens the nightstand drawer and I spot condoms and lube.

  "Gross." I comment.

  "It's not what you think."

  "Really? So, you don't jerk off to porn and titty magazines?" I fold my arms, watching as he gets uncomfortable. I don't think he was expecting visitors today otherwise he would have tidied up a bit.

  "Porn not so much," he says, hiding the magazine in the drawer and sliding it shut.

  "What's wrong with porn?" I ask.

  "Nothing. I just don't get off on it as much these days."

  "Maybe your equipment is broken," I tease, and this gains me a playful scowl.

  "Oh, my equipment is working very well, you should know. I was buried deep inside you last week."

  I ignore his comment and sit on the edge of the bed, leaning back on my hands and crossing my legs, and swing my foot.

  "If you must know, I don't get off on it because all I can think about is you when I'm jerking off, and hearing anyone other than you kinda kills it for me."

  "You're sick, but whatever."

  Dario shakes his head with a sigh and opens the drawer again, picks up the magazine, and chucks it on my lap.

  "Eww," I pick it up between my thumb and finger.

  "Open it," he says.

  "No, it's all right. I'm not into girls."

  "Just open it," he says as he crosses the room.

  My curiosity gets the better of me and I finally open it. Inside I find all the girls’ faces have been scribbled over with a black marker pen to hide them.

  "Uh..." I flip the pages to see they're all the same.

  "Like I said, the only girl that does it for me is you. I don't want to look at anyone else’s face during happy time."

  "Happy time?" I snort, throwing the magazine back in the drawer.

  He opens the fridge with a grin on his face.

  "And before you ask, the condom stash is Spencer’s. He sometimes brings Em here."

  "Ugh. Is there anywhere those two don’t have sex?" I lift my hands off the bed and dust them off.

  "Want a drink?" he asks.

  "Sure." I poke around in the drawer some more. "So, all these condoms are Spencer’s?" I wonder, noticing there is more than enough to supply half of Radley Springs.

  "He buys them in bulk. About a handful are mine."

  "Expecting to get lucky?" I can’t help but ask.

  "I bought them just in case."

  "Just in case?" I watch him carefully.

  "In case this cute little college chick came over and wanted to get her freak on with me, but then it turns out I already got her up the duff, so no condoms required." He walks over to me and hands me a can of Coke and winks at me. "But seriously, how are you?" he asks, taking a seat next to me and uncapping his beer bottle.

  "I'm fine." I close the drawer and take a sip of Coke.

  "Are you looking after yourself?"

  "Of course."

  "Are you being careful? "

  "Being careful how?"

  "You know…"

  He is not asking me about sex with Maverick right now!

  "This coming from the guy that was happy to flip me over last week and pound me from behind. Hard." He frowns at me. "What? It's true."

  "Did I hurt you?" he worries.

  "Nooo. I'm not breakable. Anyway, sex is fine when you are pregnant. It's only if you start spotting you need to worry."

  "Are you and Maverick..." he trails off.

  "Are me and Maverick what?"

  "Are you being careful? He's not being too rough with you, is he?"

  "Seriously?" I scoff. "No, he's not being rough with me. To be honest, he's not even been around to have sex with me, so..."

  "What do you mean?" Dario asks, picking at the label on his beer bottle.

  "He's just...been a little weird this past week," I admit.

  "Weird how?" Dario probes.

  "I'm not sure. I don’t know. Maybe I'm imagining it...but it just feels like he keeps disappearing."

  "Like emotionally?"

  "No, like psychically he keeps going off-campus."

  "Going where?"

  "That’s the thing, I don't know. That's why I wanted to come here to see you, in case he'd been over to talk to you or anything."

  "Nope. I haven't seen him since that morning I found out you were pregnant, and then you kicked me out of the dorm. Anyway, I doubt he'd come to see me. I'm not exactly his favorite person. You know, not after getting you pregnant and all."

  I look over at him and he smirks.

bsp; "Do you want me to keep an eye on him?" he asks.

  I just stare at him, blinking a few times.

  "I can find out where he's going for you if you want?"

  "Um...let me think about that, do I want you to follow my boyfriend around town? Uh, no."

  "Okay. It was just a suggestion. But what if he's doing something shady?" Dario says and my suspicion radar starts to tingle.

  "Shady?" I question.

  "I heard there's a whore house on the other side of town."

  I roll my eyes and slap his arm.

  "He's not going to visit a whore house."

  "What about a bit on the side?"

  "No, he gets everything he needs from me." I assure but then I think back to this past week and the lack of sex we've had.


  "Stop putting ideas in my head. He's not cheating on me. He wouldn't do that."

  "But you would. I bet you never thought you’d go behind Maverick's back and let me inside the golden gates."

  He reaches over and slides his hand up my thigh to get a reaction out of me. I respond by jumping off the bed.

  "Let’s be honest, shall we? Don't tell me you came here just to talk about Maverick?" he asks as I walk away from him.

  "That’s exactly why I’m here. I wanted to know if he'd been here to see you." I say and then remember the other reason I came here.

  I reach into my pocket and pull out his Zippo lighter.

  "You dropped this the other day." I chuck it on his lap.

  "And you just had to return it?" He looks up at me with a playful smile.

  "I didn't know if you needed it or not."

  "I have about ten others." He gestures to the side cabinet where there is a bowl full of lighters.

  "Well, now you have another." I say and look around awkwardly.

  "You could have posted it. You could have given it to Em to return. Or you could have thrown it away and not come here at all, but instead, you're here and it's got nothing to do with the lighter." He stands up and comes over to me and sets his beer on the desk. "No, that's not it. I know you, P. I know why you're here."

  "And why am I here?" I set my Coke down and cross my arms.

  "Because you secretly like this."

  "Like what?"

  "Sneaking around."

  "You’re wrong. I don’t like this. Anyway, I didn't come here to sneak around. I just came to return you're lighter and ask if you'd spoken to Maverick." I say firmly.

  "You're lying. The only reason you're here is that you can't stay away."

  "That's not true. And now I'm leaving." I stalk past him and head for the door, but don't quite make it before he spins me around and pushes me up against it. He gets in front of me, cupping the front of my sex.

  "You’re not going anywhere. Not until I give you what you really came here for." He rubs the front of me through my leggings.

  "I don't want anything from you." I say and look away, trying to appear as though his touch doesn't affect me, but we both know it's all an act, and he can see straight through me.

  "How much are you willing to bet that you're already wet for me?" He then slides his hand under the waistband of my leggings and inside my panties. I don't stop him.


  Stupid hormones.

  Stupid vagina.

  "You're here because you want me here." he says, pushing two fingers inside of me and I feel myself stretching around him. A breathy moan escapes my lips before I think better of it.

  I should be scared. I should run away. I should do a lot of things. But all I can do is whimper in response to his touch.

  "See. I knew it. You're always wet for me, baby." His eyes darken and a crooked smile appears on his lips. "I can see straight through this good girl act you've got going on. You're just begging for me to take you."

  "Then what's taking you so long?" I say before I can overthink this too much.

  He grabs my face in his other hand and smashes his lips to mine.


  This will be yet another mistake that won't make it into my diary highlights.

  Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm not a good girl. Maybe we're more alike than I want to admit. Maybe I do like this on some sick and twisted level.

  Maybe I like it a little too much.

  Maybe I can make it back to the dorms before Maverick finishes football.

  I'm not a good girl...and Dario knows it.

  Chapter 23

  "We don't have very long," I tell him, reaching for the buttons on his overalls. "I have to be back on campus before Maverick finishes football."

  "We'll be here as long as it takes." he growls, helping me with the buttons because there's a gazillion of the stupid tiny things. I'm still trying to work them undone when he picks me up in his arms and carries me over to the desk.

  "Another fantasy I have of you involves this desk." he says, plopping me down on the top.

  "Is that so?" I smile as he removes my boots, and then lifts my right foot to his lips and kisses my bare skin, keeping his eyes on mine. He drops my foot and reaches for my knitted sweater, lifting it over my head. Our lips find each other again, and he kisses me with desperate hunger. His fingers find the bottom of my top and he helps me out of it before unclasping my bra. He buries his face in my neck and gently bites on my skin. His hands roam all over my chest as they make their way down to my leggings where he hooks his fingers under the waistband and peels them off for me. He stands back for a moment to get a proper look at me. I oblige, leaning back with my hands on the desk and cross my legs, looking as naughty as ever. I know I'm going to hell, but I just can't stop myself at this point.

  We're in too far and I don't know if we'll ever get out, but a small part of me knows I don't want out. I want him. All of him. Even if he's bad for me.

  "So fucking sexy," he groans, rubbing the front of his overalls where his erection is starting to poke through.

  He reaches for my panties, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't pick them out on purpose. Black and lacy to match my bra. I sit on the desk completely naked while Dario is still in his overalls with just the buttons undone. I try to help him out of them but he pushes my hands away and drops to his knees in front of me.

  "I need to taste you,"

  His hands glide down my thighs and he tries to part them. I clamp them shut.

  "I haven't washed in a few hours," I say, feeling self-conscious.

  "Paige, I love your pussy. I love it more when it tastes like you and not body wash."

  "Gawwd. Why do you say such random things?" I cover my face with embarrassment.

  "Because you love it," he says and pries my legs open.

  "You know you're going to hell for this." I say as his head disappears between my legs.

  "Baby, if I'm going to hell, then you're coming with me." He then dives straight back down there.

  "Ahh," A soft whimper escapes my lips as soon as his tongue touches my flesh. It feels amazing. There is no better feeling than this. The only thing that would make it better was if he was buried inside me at the same time. I place my hands on the desk behind me and lean back to give him some space. He positions my legs over his shoulders, and I watch him devour me.

  "Rio...that feels so good." I moan, tangling my fingers into his hair, and he hums in response against my clit. "Touch me," I beg, and I can feel him smiling against me as he enters one finger. I squirm, needing more. One is never enough anymore.

  "More?" he says with a muffled voice.

  "Uh-huh." I respond, falling back onto the desk, tugging on his hair.

  "Ah, yeah...ah fuck," I moan, digging the heel of my foot into his back as he eats me out. His tongue laps me up and he pumps me with his fingers. I pull him closer and grind myself down onto his mouth. He mixes it up and sucks on my clit, and then he goes back to licking and teasing me with his tongue, but I always moan louder when he's sucking my nub into his hot mouth.

  "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I cry, not caring who hears because
this is too good. I know the music is loud, so I doubt anyone will hear me anyway.

  "Ah...I'm nearly there. Fuck. Rio, ahhhh," My orgasm claims me, and I hold onto Dario’s head, holding him in place as I come. His fingers slow down so I can ride it out slowly. My whole body is quaking in response to him.

  I'm still coming down from my high when I see movement in the corner.

  My eyes dart to the door where I see Mitchel gawking at us. His jaw practically brushing the floor.

  "Whoaaaa." Mitchel covers his eyes. "That is some grade-A college puss that I never thought I'd see in a million years." Mitchel says in awe while full-on laughing.

  "What the fuck, Mitch?" Dario says angrily, climbing off the floor.

  Mitchel can't take his eyes off me, and he has this dirty smirk on his face. I cover the front of my body the best I can with my hands and check no one else can see in here, but Mitchel is blocking the doorway. I’m completely naked and spread open for everyone to see. Dario goes over to Mitchel and pushes him back out the door. I turn around and grab whatever I can find which happens to be one of Dario's hoodies off the desk and cover myself over.

  I'm totally mortified that my sister's boyfriend saw me naked and getting eaten out. How long was he standing there?

  "You worked your tongue like a fucking tornado, dude!" Mitchel says loudly as Dario drags him away.

  I want to die from embarrassment.

  "Shut the fuck up!" Dario yells, dragging him around the corner.

  "Ouch. What was that for?" Mitchel asks and I can only assume Dario just hit him or something.

  "Go away. There's more beer in the back room." Dario throws over his shoulder as he stalks back into the office and slams the door hard. He then locks it this time. Why didn't we think of that before?

  Dario looks over at me and my eyes fall to the protruding bulge beneath his overalls.

  "I'm sorry. I thought it was locked." he says, coming over to me. "He probably won't even remember this tomorrow."

  "Oh, I'm pretty sure he will." I say with a slight frown.

  "Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he keeps his mouth shut."

  "I'm already erasing the moment from my memory." I laugh and try to slide off the desk.

  "Uh…Just where do you think you’re going?" he asks.

  "I need to get back." I remind.