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Forgetting Paige: (The Paige Diaries #3) Page 17

  "Well, that's not happing. You can't just leave me like this," He gestures to his crotch.

  "You could always finish yourself off." I suggest.

  He shakes his head with a smile as he reaches for me and pries the hoodie out of my hands, tossing it away.

  "No, that wasn't part of the deal. You're not going anywhere until I've finished with you. And it would be rude of me not to clean you up after." He squeezes my thighs playfully as he drops to his knees between my legs, sliding me to the edge of the desk so he can open my legs again.

  His face disappears between my thighs again and I place my hands on the desk to support myself and watch with fascination as he slowly licks my delicate folds, tasting me and licking me clean.

  Now I know what Ariana Grande means when she sang about licking the bowl clean.

  Sweetener by Ariana Grande.

  I thought Em was kidding when she told me about it, but then I researched it, and this is what it means to lick the bowl clean. It's fucking hot.

  After he’s done, he looks up at me with hooded eyes and licks his lips.

  "Done?" I ask playfully.

  "Nearly. There's still one rather big problem you need to help me out with."

  "And how do you want me to help exactly?"

  "Hmm." He thinks about it and rubs the scruff on his jaw.

  "Stay there." he says and shrugs off his overalls and they fall around his feet.

  He pulls his t-shirt over his head at the same time I reach for him, tugging him closer until he's between my legs again. I help him unbutton his jeans and his lips search out mine as we both push them down his legs. I tug at the waistband of his boxers playfully. He pushes them down and his length springs free, bobbing against my leg. He then feels inside me to make sure I'm still wet for him, smiling in response as he drags his fingers back out. He positions himself at my entrance and slowly slides into me, keeping his eyes fixed on mine. He lets out a groan once he's fully inside, taking my face in his hands, kissing me deeply as he starts to move inside me. I moan into his mouth and he drops one hand to hold my hips still so he can push into me without me sliding across the desk. I lean back on the desk and brace myself with one hand and use the other to cling to the back of his neck, bringing him closer. He goes slow but keeps up a rhythm. He's been extra gentle with me. I think all that talk about rough sex set him off.

  "Is this okay?" he rasps, wrapping an arm around me to hold me close.

  "Yes...yes." I pant breathlessly, enjoying him inside me, so much so, I can feel myself getting all worked up again.

  "I'm not hurting you, am I?" he worries.

  "No," I assure. "I'll tell you if it hurts. Stop holding back,"

  He gropes my breast in one hand, digging his fingers in and kneading my flesh, and pushes into me deeper.

  "Ahhh," I cry out and claw at him to do it again.


  "I'm fine. I'm enjoying it!" I tell him before he mistakes my cries for pain.

  "Fuck." he mutters. "You've ruined all my office fantasies now. It won't be the same when I jerk off unless you're sitting on this desk."

  "You'll just have to wait for me to come back again."

  He groans. "I'm gonna get blue balls if I don't get to be inside you every day."

  I laugh breathlessly as he continues to pump himself inside me.

  "Do you want another one?" he asks, nipping at my ear before moving back to my lips.

  "You read my mind."

  He smiles against my lips as he reaches between us to find my bud. His touch has me panting harder as I dig my fingers into his back, leaving nail imprints. I cry out as my second orgasm hits me, and bury my face in his neck, holding onto him for dear life. He slows down for a moment so I can ride out the orgasm wave, and when I finally lift my head to look at him, I find him smirking back at me.

  "Shut up." I say with a smile.

  He doesn't say anything and picks up his pace again.

  "Fuck. Lay down," he orders.

  I lay back on the desk and wrap my legs around his waist to hold onto him, pulling him back to me each time he pulls out. His fingers dig into my hips as he stretches me out, going deeper and filling me up with all of him, and I take him with no resistance. He unhooks one of my legs and suddenly pulls out of me and milks himself all over my stomach. He closes his eyes and groans in pure pleasure, stroking himself until every last drop is pooling on my skin and filling my belly button. He opens his eyes and looks back at me with a mischievous smile.

  "Was that really necessary?" I look down at the mess on my stomach.

  "I like seeing my seed all over you... and in you. This way you have my scent all over you." He makes it worse by rubbing his hand across my stomach and spreading it all over.

  "Rio," I laugh.

  "I'm marking my territory," he tells me.

  "Okay, but don't get any ideas about peeing on me." I look around for something to clean up with. "Ugh. I need something..."

  "Use this," He leans down and scoops up the t-shirt that he took off earlier.

  "Don't you have any wipes or tissue?"

  "I'm all out. Last night I couldn't sleep," he says, letting me know he was up all night jerking off.

  "You're disgusting." I shake my head and clean the mess off my stomach.

  When I'm done, Dario takes the t-shirt from me and cleans himself up with it also and then throws it in the clothes hamper that I hadn't noticed before.

  "Why haven't I seen you since last week?" I ask, sliding off the desk.

  "Miss me?"

  "Maybe. I just assumed you’d be breaking down my door every other day to have sex with me."

  He chuckles. "Trust me, I want nothing more than to break down your door and take you whenever I want, but shit has been really busy here. I was going to ring and see when you could fit me in."

  "Fit you in? I'm not a secretary."

  "You just spread your legs like one."

  "Dario!" I gape and playfully smack him. "Well, I already fit you in today." I stick my tongue out at him and slide on my panties while he admires my backside.

  We get dressed which doesn't take Dario long because he's still got his jeans and overalls around his ankles. He grabs a clean t-shirt and buttons up his overalls on top, while I pull my knitted sweater over my head and adjust my bra underneath. I finish my can of Coke and Dario picks up his beer bottle that somehow didn't get knocked over on the desk, draining it.

  "I better go." I say, picking up my tote bag and sliding it onto my shoulder.

  "Wait." Dario stops me before I reach the door.

  He pushes his fingers into my hair to hold me still, looking at me so intensely it hurts my heart. His other hand sweeps across my stomach and he rubs it lovingly.

  "I love you," he says, nuzzling his nose against mine.

  I don't say it back this time. I'm too consumed with guilt for cheating on Maverick. Again.

  "I need to go," I say, and his hand falls away from my face and he has this grim expression on his. He knows what this is doing to me. How the guilt is going to eat me from the inside out. And he’s the cause of it. He lets out a long breath and steps away from me to open the door.

  I walk outside, and Dario follows me out. I spot Mitchel back in his deckchair with another beer in his hand. He starts laughing as soon as he sees me. I scurry out of the garage and jog back to Emily's car. Dario stays inside the garage, leaning against the metal door, watching me as I climb into Em’s car and pull off. I can’t even look at him and focus on driving.

  I make it back to campus and park the car and hurry back to my room. Maverick doesn't finish football for another ten minutes and then he usually gets showered, so I have time to pop to the showers and wash away this morning's betrayal.

  I get the key in the lock and push the door open and see Em still sitting at her desk. She looks up at me with wide eyes and then she casually nods her head to my side of the room to where Maverick is sitting on the edge of my bed.


  Chapter 24

  Maverick looks up at me with a warm smile. Em quickly looks back at her coursework, pretending nothing is wrong. She knows where I went. Hell, she probably even knows what Dario and I have been doing for the last hour.

  "Where have you been?" Maverick asks, running a hand through his damp hair.

  He must have finished early today for some reason.

  "I um..." I was not prepared for this. "I had to post a letter in town." I lie on the spot.

  Maverick looks at me for a moment, but I can't read his expression. Does he know I was with Dario?

  My heart is racing so much that I have to place my hand over it, fearing it will pound out of my chest.

  "Hey, did you find any of those sugared donuts I like?" Em asks and I tear my eyes away from Maverick to look at her.

  Sugared what?

  "The bakery?" she probes.


  "Uh, no, they were all out this morning. Sorry."

  "That sucks."

  She just saved my ass. Again.

  "What are you doing here so early?" I ask, dropping my tote bag on the bed next to him.

  "I finished early. There's um...something I want to talk to you about."




  He knows.

  Em looks over her shoulder and sees me freaking out.

  "I'm just gonna go and finish this in the library," she says and is out of her chair in a flash, and then she's gone.


  She just abandoned me to deal with Maverick. I guess we all knew this moment would come. And it’s not going to be pretty. He was always going to find out about Dario and me at some point.

  "Maverick, I-"

  "I need to show you something first." he interrupts my confession.

  "Show me what?"

  "Come on," He takes my hand and I barely have time to grab my bag before he pulls me out the door.

  "Where are we going?" I ask nervously as he opens the passenger door to his Range Rover.

  "It's a surprise." he says which doesn't make me feel any better.

  Like, surprise! I know you've been fucking Dario. Is he driving me over to the garage to confront us both? My tummy churns as we pull out of the parking lot.

  "You okay?" Maverick asks, looking over at me with a furrowed brow.

  "Car sickness." I lie, placing one hand on my belly and brace my other against the door.

  "Sorry, I'll try to go slow." he says and takes the turning slowly. "Why does it smell like oil and grease in here?" he randomly says, cracking a window, and I discretely lift my hair to my nose and can smell the garage smell still lingering on me. I pop a mint and then moisturize my hands with my lavender hand cream that is overpowering and covers any traces of Dario’s smell.

  We drive through town, avoiding the garage, and my tummy starts to settle down once I know he's not taking me to see Dario.

  We pull up outside an apartment block I've never seen before. It's one of the newer ones with a modern exterior and there are a million windows everywhere to let light in.

  "What are we doing here?" I ask, confused.

  "You'll see." Maverick pops open his door, jogs around to my side, and offers me his hand.

  I look around as he leads me toward the building. I don't know what we're doing here or who lives inside. A woman coming out of the apartment block holds the door for us and we duck inside.

  I'm still staring at him, waiting for him to tell me what we're doing here. He beckons me over and we head up the stairs to the first floor.

  "Mav, what are we doing here?"

  "Just wait," He laughs at my impatience.

  He stops at door number 13. Then he lifts out a key from his pocket.

  "Why do you have a key?"

  He doesn't answer and unlocks the door, but before he pushes it open, he turns to me with a smile on his face.

  "Cover your eyes," he says, covering them for me.

  "What?" I laugh as he guides me through the doorway.

  We step inside and after a moment, he removes his hands.

  "Surprise," he whispers in my ear.

  My eyes drift around the apartment. There are wall-to-ceiling windows at one end, letting light into the long room. The walls are light gray and very modern with sharp angles and overhead shelving. There is a desk positioned in front of the window and a bookcase beside it. There's a large TV on the wall with a lilac velvet couch in front and a sleek, black coffee table. At the back, there's a kitchen area with white cabinets and stainless-steel appliances and an island counter with barstools.

  I look back at Maverick and he nods his head for me to walk around. I tentatively venture into the room on the right side of the kitchen and find a double bedroom with a plush purple carpet and a fourposter-bed with matching bedding, and the walls are gray and silver to match the rest of the décor. And there’s even an en-suite bathroom. The room is light and airy, and I realize one of the tall windows is a sliding door that leads out onto a small balcony where I see a black iron table and two chairs.

  I turn around and look at Maverick again and he tilts his head for me to follow him. He shows me back into the living room and we wander past another bathroom and inside there’s a large corner tub that’s big enough for two, and it has jets and everything. He then nods his head at the last door. I slowly open the door and let it swing open - my breath gets caught in my throat.

  "Maverick, what is all this?" I ask, not believing what I'm seeing.

  Inside the room, there is a wooden crib all set up, a changing table, and there’s even a rocking chair.

  He comes up behind me and slides his hands around my waist.

  "I think it's about time we moved out of the dorms."

  I turn around in his arms so I can see his face properly.

  "What is this place?" I ask.

  "It's ours. I bought it. Well, that is if you want to live with me?"

  "You bought it? How?"

  "Trust fund." he reminds.

  "Mav, this is too much." I turn around and look at the room again. "It's too soon to be setting up a nursery. I'm not even twelve weeks."

  "No, but you will be soon, and nothing is going to happen to this baby."

  "Is this what you've been up to all week?"

  "Maybe," He smiles.

  My shoulders sag with relief. This is where he’s been disappearing to this past week. "I can't believe you did all this," I venture back into the living room.

  "Do you like it?" he asks hesitantly.

  "Do I like it? Mav, it's beautiful. It's perfect. Everything is perfect."

  It's strange how well he knows me. This place, the furniture, the décor. It's exactly what I would have picked out myself.

  "No, you're perfect." he says and comes over to me.

  He makes me feel so cherished, but all I can feel is the guilt eating at me. I should tell him, but I can't. I don't want to lose him, and I think finding out about Dario and me would be the last straw. I glance around the apartment once more. If I told him, everything might change, and I don’t want that. If Dario keeps his end of the agreement and stays out of my life, then this could be our life. Our very own home. Our first home.

  I turn back to Maverick, trying to keep the tears at bay. Mostly happy tears, but some are sad ones. He smiles at me and watches me carefully as he reaches into his back pocket, then he gets down on one knee.

  My hands fly to my mouth.


  This isn’t real?

  "Mav?" The air leaves my lungs and all I can do is stare at the little black box in his hand.

  "Paige, I love you. I want to spend my life with you, and I want to be your everything. I want to be there for you. For you and the baby, and I want to be a part of your family. I want everything with you."

  I wipe at my eyes as the tears start to fall. He's killing me with his words.

  "I love you a million times over. You make me a bett
er person and you fit so fucking perfectly into my puzzle. You gave me a second chance after I fucked-up and I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and proving to you that you're with the right man. It's been you ever since the very first time I talked to you. I won't ever want anyone else, and I hope you feel the same."

  He opens the little black box and inside I see a large, sparkling rock with a silver band. I bet my life on it that it's a diamond. I know what he's like when it comes to me. Nothing is ever good enough.

  "Paige Moon, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

  "Mav," I can't speak as I'm crying too much.

  He smiles at me and I can see his own eyes look a little watery.

  I start laughing, "Yes. Yes! Of course, I'll marry you." I manage to choke out.

  He climbs to his feet and takes my face in his hands and kisses me. We break apart smiling, and he lifts the ring out of the box. I hold my hand out to him and he slides it onto my finger.

  "It fits perfectly," I say, gazing down at the ring.

  "I might have stolen that pink ring that I knew fitted your ring finger."

  "I did wonder where it had gone," I say, looking back at the ring.

  "We just have to move our things over from the dorms and then we're all set up." he says.

  "What about Em," I fret.

  "I'm sure she'll be fine on her own, not that she’s ever really alone with Spencer coming over all the time. But I’m sure they'll soon find her another roommate."

  "I still can't believe you did all this."

  "I thought it would be nicer for you to have your very own bathroom and kitchen area, so you don't have to trek around campus. You’ll start showing soon, and I thought this would be better for all of us."

  "This is great, but are you sure we can afford it?" I worry.

  "Paige, stop worrying about money. I have plenty. You worry about looking after our baby and feeding him properly. And now with your very own kitchen, you have no excuse not to cook better meals. You can’t keep living off Pop-Tarts."

  "Him?" I say, picking up on that small detail.

  "He's gonna be a footballer just like his daddy." Maverick teases.

  "Is that so?" I smile.

  I think we're both still in denial and pretending this is his baby, but we both know there’s a chance it might be Dario's. But either way, Dario won't be a problem. He won't interfere as long as I keep my end of the deal and willingly give myself to him whenever he comes a-knocking. But it’s going to end in tears, I just know it.