Chasing Colorado: (The Zombie Zovels #2) Page 7
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just gonna miss it. You know, not just the prison, Ozma as well.”
“You'll see her again.” Lane said, lifting his arm around me.
I snuggled into him and rested my head against his chest, and saw Josh looking at me in the rearview mirror. Did he agree with Lane? Did he really believe there was a cure? Or was he trying to stay strong for me, pretending there was something worth staying alive for? Josh wasn't an idiot, he was smart, and he probably knew there was no cure. I shifted around in Lane's arms and lifted my feet up onto the seat, and watched Drew, who was now cleaning his boots. He caught me watching him and winked at me, which actually made me smile.
“Ah, found it!” Luke said, and a few seconds later, Thirty Seconds to Mars, filled the car. I approved of Luke's choice of music, at least he hadn't decided to bring One Direction along for the car ride. Dan started moaning about how hot it was in the back so Luke lowered his window to get some fresh air circulating. It wasn't that hot, Dan was probably worried he was breathing in my germs. We took the turning off from the main road, the road we had been on led straight into the town we had been in yesterday, but we were taking a different route. I watched out the window behind Drew, and got a clear view of the side of the road, Josh slowed down to steer around an abandoned car, and as we drove past, I saw a zombie inside the car clawing at the windows.
“Fucking deadbie.” Drew muttered, briefly looking at it before turning his attention back to his boots.
“Deadbie?” I said, having never heard that word before.
Drew looked up at me. “They're dead, there's no coming back when you turn into one of them, so you're pretty much dead, and if you join the word dead with the end of zom-bie, you get a deadbie. Zombie is too cliché.”
I felt Lane's hand tighten on my arm and I think Drew noticed as he glanced at Lane and decided against saying anything else, instead he angled himself away from me. I silently sighed and thought, I'm going to become a deadbie.
Half an hour down the road we made a pit stop at a gas station that surprisingly still had the electricity turned on and plenty of gas still in the pumps. I stayed in the car with Lena while the boys took care of it. Evan, Dan, and Drew checked inside the gas station, and Josh refilled the tank while Luke and Lane stood guard.
“How are ya feeling?” Lena asked, leaning over the seat.
“Tired. I feel like I could sleep for a week.”
She smiled and offered me a gummy bear.
“Thanks,” I said, popping one into my mouth. “So how did you two meet? You know, you and Evan.”
“Well, it's kinda a weird story, but I think destiny was involved.”
“You believe in fate and destiny and all that other mumbo jumbo?” I asked, giving her a bemused look, I didn't take her for the type to believe in such nonsense.
“I didn't used to.” She smiled as she sifted through the bears looking for a certain color, handing me a handful to eat.
“But, um...” she laughed. “You wouldn't believe me even if I told you. Let's just say, we were in different places, I was in Seattle, he was in Louisiana. I don't want to give you too much of a spoiler, but... yeah, I do believe we were meant to find each other.” she said, getting distracted as her eyes drifted out the window all dreamy-like, and over to where Evan was standing with Drew.
I didn't probe her for any more information on the subject and instead turned my head to watch what Lane was doing, he was sharing a joke with Luke, while Josh was now filling up the spare jerrycans. I moved aside when Lane got back in and bumped into Drew.
“Oooh cooties.” he teased, and Lane's face grew angry.
“I was kiddin', man.” Drew said, and blew out a breath.
I patted Lane on the arm and he turned his attention to me instead and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“He's just kidding,” I said. “Anyway, if I'm gonna spend my last few weeks with you guys I don't want to spend it with everyone walking on eggshells around me.”
“You're going to be around for more than a few weeks.” Lane said, frowning.
“I know.” I replied, even though I was only saying it to please him, and I think everyone else in the van knew the odds of us even finding Lane's brother were slim to none, let alone he would be able to magically cure me.
It was at that moment I decided that if I was going to be around for the next week... or two, I wanted to spend it around Lane, laughing and joking, not crying and praying.
“Are we gonna sit in the van stationary all day?” I asked, looking in front at Josh, who had turned around and was resting his arm on the steering wheel looking at us.
“You heard the lady.” Luke said, playfully shoving Josh, who had his serious, thinking-face on again.
“Can I have one?” Lane asked, reaching for one of the gummy bears in my hand. “No.” I clamped my fingers shut. “These are all mine. I think the dying girl deserves her sweet treat.”
Drew laughed and we all settled down and Josh pulled back onto the road.
So far the journey (even though we had only been on the road for half an hour), was going without a hitch, maybe the rest of the journey would be the same, I wasn't sure how much drama I could take right now, my eyelids already felt heavy and all my yawning was setting Drew off next to me. Lena and Dan played cards in the back seat, Evan fell asleep, Luke and Josh were playing the number plate game the best they could, Drew was staring out the window, and Lane was dozing between road signs, I think he had stayed up late into the night with Luke and Danny, working on the van.
Chapter 6
I woke up to darkness... and an empty van.
What the...?
I slowly sat up and realized I was alone in the van and it was now dark outside. What time is it? How long have I been asleep for? Where is everyone? Had they finally all come to their senses and abandoned me?
Okay, maybe a little too dramatic, I thought when I noticed the soft glow from a fire burning outside the van. We were parked up at the side of the road and everyone was sitting at the bottom of the grass verge. I scooted across the seat and opened the door, it grated as I slid it open, and within seconds Lane appeared next to the van. I jumped out yawning and he beamed at me, like he had sunshine spilling out of his ass. I wondered how someone could be so happy and upbeat all the time. He really did think there was a cure and I was savable. Lane ushered me around the van and over to the group that was sat around the fire.
The night air was cool with a slight nip. I could smell the trees, the smell of pine reminded me of all the time I had spent in Oregon. The smoke from the fire drifted up my nose and made it twitch.
“Evening, sleepyhead.” Josh said, relaxing back against a small log, with his legs stretched out and his feet crossed and his arms resting behind his head. Lena and Luke smiled at me, but no one else really took any notice of me.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“8.43 pm.” Drew answered, flicking something into the fire.
“Why didn't anyone wake me?” I asked as Lane pulled me down next to him, and I sat down with my legs crossed.
“How long have you been here?” I asked.
“Well-” Josh started.
“Wait, are we in Colorado?” I interrupted.
“No, we're not in Colorado... I was about to say, we had a few hiccups along the way and the van died about an hour and a half into the journey.” Josh said.
“What? So you've been sitting around here all day?”
“We thought you could do with the rest seeing as we're going to have to walk, which is a pain in the ass.” Josh grumbled. “Drew and Luke went in search of another vehicle, but no such luck, but hopefully we'll find something tomorrow.” he added.
“Still, you could have woken me, I feel like I've been a bit useless sleeping all day, I could have gone out vehicle hunting as well.”
I turned to Lane. “You should have woken me!”
�I didn't want to, you looked like you needed the sleep.” Lane said, offering me a cookie.
I took the cookie but still didn't feel hungry. Whatever this virus thing was doing to me it was making me lose my appetite.
“Eat it, you need to eat, I'll get you a packet of food.” Lane said, standing up.
“I don't think I can manage a whole packet.” I mumbled to deaf ears.
Lane was already at the top of the grass verge, opening the van door and pulling out my bag.
“I can't believe I slept all day.”
“Yep, and you missed all the fun.” Luke said, and Josh nudged him with his leg.
“What fun? What happened?”
“Nothing serious.” Josh said.
“Just a whole bridge of dead ones.” Lena said.
I turned toward Josh, waiting for him to explain.
“We couldn't go around so we had no choice but to go through. But there were too many and they blocked us in and we had to get out and deal with it. But the seven of us finished them off in no time.” Josh said.
“I was really surprised the one thudding on the window didn't wake you.” Lane said, sitting back down next to me.
“You still should have woken me!!”
“No. You were completely out of it, you wouldn't have been much good half-asleep and drowsy.” Josh said.
“So the van's had it?” I said.
“I'm surprised we made it this far. I told ya the van would pack up at any minute.” Luke grumbled.
“So if it doesn't start tomorrow we're walking from here?” I said.
“Afraid so. But Luke and Lane are going to have another look at it before we leave and see if it will take us any further.” Josh said.
“So we've got tons of spare gas but a useless van?” I said.
“We'll take the jerrycans with us.” Josh said.
“How are you feeling?” Lane asked, handing me an open packet of mush.
“Pretty normal, whatever that means anymore. Just really tired still.”
I looked down at the packet and wondered what I was meant to eat it with as I realized I had forgotten to pack utensils.
“Here, I got it,” Drew said, reaching behind him for his backpack.
He produced a spoon and passed it to Dan to pass to Lane, who passed it to me.
I noticed Dan was watching me with guarded eyes.
“It's okay, she can have that one, as long as no one shares it we're good.” Drew said, referring to the spoon.
“I just ate mine with my hand.” Lane said randomly.
“Thanks.” I said, leaning forward to see Drew to thank him, he nodded in response.
“Are we safe here?” I asked.
“We haven't seen anything since we stopped, and we're sort of hidden down here, but we're going to take it in turns to sleep in shifts. But you can sleep in the van, you'll be safer in there and warmer, there's not room for everyone, and we already decided... so...” Josh said.
I looked up at the tall tree nearest us. I much preferred the idea of sleeping up there. But the van was safe as well if someone was always on guard. I had never been in such a large group outside before. I did feel somewhat safe with them, and especially with Lena's group, they had been living outside for sometime from what I had heard.
A muffled noise came from somewhere close by.
The whole group looked at each other and most of them were already on their feet.
“Did you hear that?” Lena whispered.
“Yeah,” Drew answered her and already had his crossbow in his hands, scanning the trees.
Luke pulled out a large knife that he kept attached to his belt, and Josh already had a gun pointed at the trees, my gun. I stood up next to Lane, he had his bat in his hand dangling it beside his leg. Lena stood with a machete in her hands, Evan had a crowbar, and Dan had a teeny-tiny knife and had positioned himself behind Lena, (more like hiding behind Lena).
A muffled sneeze came from behind us, it was muffled but it was a sneeze nonetheless, and it sounded like it came from inside the van.
“Um, do deadbies sneeze?” Dan asked.
Josh came over to my side, and I found myself sandwiched between Josh and Lane.
“No, but humans do, and I think it's inside the van.” Evan said, moving closer.
“Maybe a wildcat got in there or something.” Luke said, checking under the van to make sure there was nothing hiding underneath.
Then a lumping sound came from the back of the van and I suddenly found myself been passed from Josh, over to Lane, and Lane pushed me out of the way to protect me from whatever threat was inside the van. I wasn't sure whether Lane didn't know his own strength or if I was growing weaker because I lost my balance and started to fall, but luckily I fell straight into Drew's arms.
“You all right?” he asked, holding me up by one arm and helping me back onto my feet.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” I replied, still holding onto his arm for support, and he didn't move away from me.
I think five people was enough to deal with whatever was inside the van, as Dan was hovering behind Drew, staying back.
Luke opened the back door to the van and everyone stood still, staring at the small space behind the back seats. I edged closer to get a better view and Drew came with me.
The back of the van had sleeping bags and blankets and other random items people had chucked in, including half a dozen toilet rolls.
Evan poked the blankets with the crowbar.
“Ouch!” someone yelped from under the sleeping bags.
“You have got to be kidding!” Josh said, grabbing something from the back.
Everyone huddled around to see what it was, blocking my view. But a few seconds later the group parted and Josh hauled Stacey away from the van. She stood in front of us clutching a small messenger bag.
I groaned and let out a disgruntled sigh.
“Stacey! What in the hell are you doing in there?” Josh asked angrily.
“I told you I wanted to come, but you all said no.”
“Yes, we all said no!! So what are you doing here?” Josh snapped.
“I want to help. I always get left out of everything.”
“Yes, because you're sixteen, Stacey, you're still a kid.” Josh said.
Stacey hated being told her age. She looked hurt and even pouted like a child.
“She's all yours.” Evan said, walking back to the fire with Lena.
“I knew if you guys knew I was in the back, you'd make me go back, so I figured if I stayed hidden for long enough you wouldn't be able to take me back.” Stacey whimpered.
Josh shook his head and looked around at our surroundings, unsure what to do with her. I don't think any of us did, but it was too late now, she was coming with us whether we wanted her to or not.
“Get back in the van.” Luke said, grabbing the top of Stacey's arm and leading her to the side door. He opened it for her and pushed her back inside and slid the door shut again.
“No one talk to her.” Luke warned, walking back to the fire.
I looked at Josh, I was all up for ignoring her, but I knew she was probably hungry.
“She must be hungry.” I said.
Josh sighed. “I know, I know,” He slid the side door open. “Did you bring any food?” he asked her.
She shook her head. She was so stupid sometimes. He walked over to his backpack and pulled out a packet of food.
“See, I'm not a complete monster.” he said, before chucking the packet at her.
She caught it, still looking sad, like she was going to start crying at any minute.
“She'll be fine, leave her for a bit, let her think about what she's done.” Josh said.
“What are we going to do with her?” Lane asked.
“Nothing we can do but bring her with us. Just means you'll have to make room for her in the van if we get it started again.”
“Or she can sit in the back where she's been hiding.” Luke suggested.
We all
suppressed a smile and sat back down.
“So that makes nine of us.” Luke said. “Maybe if we get into trouble we can use her as bait.”
We all looked at him, he laughed it off, but I wasn't sure whether he was joking or not.
“I'm gonna turn in for the night.” Luke said, turning to Josh. “You on first watch?”
“No, it's Evan first, then me, then you, then Drew, and Lane just before dawn.” Josh said.
“What about me?” Lena piped in.
“What? We thought you'd need your beauty sleep.” Drew joked.
“Douche, just 'cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be on watch. You're more likely to fall asleep than me anyhow.”
“Whatever, Lena, the night rota has already been decided.” Drew said.
“And what about Dan?” Lena asked.
“Oh, come on, Lena, we all know Dan has no balls which makes him a girl, so he can catch up on beauty sleep as well... he needs it.”
“Screw you, Drew!” Dan said.
Drew playfully stuck his tongue out at Dan. “Anyway, you know what happened last time, we all went to sleep and left you on night watch and when we woke up you were snoring your little head off.”
“That happened once, I was really tired that night.” Dan insisted.
“Well, I might let you keep watch tomorrow night, if you get a good night's sleep tonight.” Drew said, the side of his lips curved up into a half-smile before he walked off with his crossbow, down the road, and into darkness.
“Where's he going?” I asked no one in particular.
Lena shrugged. “Don't worry, he always comes back.” she said, flicking something at Dan and he swatted it away.
“I guess it's just Stacey and me in the van then.” I said.
“You going to bed already?” Lane asked almost shocked. “You only just woke up.”
“I'm tired, Lane. Anyway, there's not much we can do out here in the dark and in the middle of nowhere.”
He looked rejected. “Look, I'm not dead yet, we can spend tomorrow together, maybe after another night's sleep I'll be more with it. If I stay out here I'm just gonna fall asleep.” I said, yawning to emphasize my point.